Blockchain Revolution

Courses Financial Services

As a recap of “The Blockchain Revolution” and “Financial Services Revolution: How Blockchain Is Transforming Money, Markets, and Banking,” I do some Coursera courses. The courses give a profound insight into the books with additional material. Yesterday I started to work through the third book of the Blockchain Research Insitute, “Supply Chain Revolution: How Blockchain Technology Is Transforming the Global Flow of Assets.”

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Generate Electricity Yourself


An honorary german article, for the Association of Founders and Self-Employed Germany (VGSD e.V.). - The report covers the possibilities of self-power generation for small and medium-sized companies in Germany. We are using the example of a fictitious photovoltaic plant by Koblenz. Financial and regulatory issues will explain by an investment calculation. The report considers only photovoltaics for power generation. Other topics are Green IT and Local Energy Solutions. Local Energy Solutions shows the possibilities of DLT-Systems (blockchain) to open the energy market for private actors.

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Der Blockchain Faktor (Book)

Book Tip

This book describes in thirteen chapters the possibilities of DLT systems. Experts wrote each chapter. After “The Blockchain Revolution by (Tapscott & Tapscott)” it is my second favorite introduction book to Distribute Ledger Technology. Prof. Dr. Philipp Sander is a proven expert for DLT of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (“Der Blockchain Faktor, ISBN-13: 978-3750415409”).~~

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Arc42 by Example

Book “Must-read”

Today I bought arc42 by Example (ISBN-978-1-83921-435-6) (special offer). The authors give examples of their practical understanding of software architecture documentation. It is an excellent addition to the books by Dr. Gernot Starke and Stefan Zörner