Generate Electricity Yourself

Article An honorary german article, for the Association of Founders and Self-Employed Germany (VGSD e.V.). - The report covers the possibilities of self-power generation for small and medium-sized companies in Germany. We are using the example of a fictitious photovoltaic plant by Koblenz. [Read More]

Der Blockchain Faktor (Book)

Book Tip This book describes in thirteen chapters the possibilities of DLT systems. Experts wrote each chapter. After “The Blockchain Revolution by (Tapscott & Tapscott)” it is my second favorite introduction book to Distribute Ledger Technology. Prof. Dr. Philipp Sander is a proven expert for DLT of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management (“Der Blockchain Faktor, ISBN-13: 978-3750415409”). [Read More]

Arc42 by Example

Book “Must-read”

Today I bought arc42 by Example (ISBN-978-1-83921-435-6) (special offer). The authors give examples of their practical understanding of software architecture documentation. It is an excellent addition to the books by Dr. Gernot Starke and Stefan Zörner

A Trusted Database for Systems Boundaries

Why a Blockchain? Many people ask it, some Experts see it as the new golden hammer for all database tasks. Blockchain is a synonym of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). A DLT-System has three main components, the Ledger (Blockchain, technical a chained list), consensus algorithms, and distribution. [Read More]