Nextcloud on Rasberry Pi

Setup Last year I decided to test Nextcloud on a Raspberry Pi II. Before this installation, I had gained experience with ownCloud on the Raspberry Pi. However, I found the setup of the webserver, database and in-memory cache and message broker complicated. [Read More]

Impact Podcast

Podcast Hint Fascinated about IMPACT_TALK Podcast. Topics are Circular Economy, Hydrogen, and Start-Ups. In my opinion, DLT systems (blockchain) can solve many problems of the circular economy. E.g., invoicing and accounting operations, deposit systems, product or raw material supply chain transparency (A trusted Database for Systems Boundaries). [Read More]


Podcast Hint

Block52 is one of mine favorites podcast around the blockchain community. Every podcast covers exciting and fascinating topics from finance and industry. Experts like Katharina Gehra, Prof. Dr. Philipp Sander, and Philipp Schulden issues Block52.

Blockchain Revolution

Courses Financial Services As a recap of “The Blockchain Revolution” and “Financial Services Revolution: How Blockchain Is Transforming Money, Markets, and Banking,” I do some Coursera courses. The courses give a profound insight into the books with additional material. Yesterday I started to work through the third book of the Blockchain Research Insitute, “Supply Chain Revolution: How Blockchain Technology Is Transforming the Global Flow of Assets. [Read More]