Intel NC2

Computervision Pipeline Intel NC2 Gaze Control is a Pyhton project at the Udacity Nanodegree Intel Edge AI for IoT Developer. This project controls the mouse using the gaze by creating a computervision pipeline. The pipeline detects the face and gives the head pose and the eyelocations. [Read More]

Microservices Basics

GitHub Rec In many areas in the topic field of microservices, we are often searching for additional information. To facilitate discussions in the basics of microservices, I started the followingGitHub project. It contains a collection of links to topics like Docker, CI/CD, Kubernetes,and microservices monitoring. [Read More]

Ubuntu Mulitpass

Ubuntu Multipass For new set-ups, Linux developments and test environments were Docker or OracleVirtual Box top choices. To test container systems like Docker or container orchestration like Kubernetes, it makes much sense to try it on Linux servers instead of Desktop Operation System. [Read More]

Clean Code

Book “Must-Read/Hear” I love books by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob). His books, like Clean Code and the idea of Software Craftsmanship, have deeply influenced me. As a recap of the book, I heard six lessons. Uncle Bob has a very energetic presentation style, and the lessons contain many practical examples. [Read More]