Website Evidence Collector Pipline

Business Case Evidence Collector

In January, I mentioned that the European Union offers a free GDPR compliance checker.

Small and medium-sized businesses can benefit greatly from using their websites as digital business cards. For example, I enjoy receiving feedback and knowing that people appreciate my posts. Actively tracking website visitors is too time-consuming for me. There are other marketing activities that are more target-oriented.

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European Union provides a GDPR compliance tool Website

Website Evidence Collector

The European Union announced a tool for GDPR compliance checks for websites. This tool can be used manually, in an automated deployment process, and security vulnerability checks. It can be an easy and cost-efficient approach for small and medium companies (Mittelstand).

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Carbon Footprint of static and dynamic websites

Why Hugo?

The decision to switch from WordPress to a static website engine like Hugo was easy.

  • Once, my provider complained about the version of PHP and wanted to charge me extra for running an older PHP version.
  • Furthermore, a modern and beautiful WordPress site requires a lot of time.
  • Another time, the My SQL database had problems, and I lost my settings and content.
  • During the years, I got a lot of attack attempts from all over the world. E.g., the Kali Linux distribution contains a free, open-source vulnerability scanner for WordPress (wpscan).
  • At least run such a system; you need more diligence on the European GDPR.

In conclusion, you need a lot of time for administration and extra knowledge to run WordPress. I grew up as a software developer developing web-based information systems and found running WordPress too complicated for my use cases.

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Generative AI

I want to end the year with an article on generative AI (genAI). Although the algorithms and methods are already decades old, 2023 is when the impressive possibilities have reached the masses.

Spreadsheets and calculators have revolutionized the work of accounting and finance departments. AI will fundamentally change knowledge work. The possibilities offered by artificial intelligence are enriching and liberating. In the field of software development, AI assistants (Github Copilot, JetBrains AI Assistant, etc.) will free us from tedious routine tasks and help us to write better software (technical debt) and secure code (security vulnerabilities).

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